Get in touch.
Newcastle Perinatal Place offers appointments in person from Charlestown, NSW.
We also offer appointments via telehealth or phone.
Phone: (02) 4959 7701 Fax: (02) 8313 5749
Attendance is by appointment only.
Our offsite admin operating hours are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
Parking and Access
Client parking is available at the front of the building. There is also free 2-hour parking available on the street or nearby at Charlestown Square (located 150m from our building).
Pram access is available via the side entry.
If wheelchair access is required, we have a portable ramp that can be put in place to enable access to therapy rooms. Please let admin know before your appointment if you require wheelchair assistance.
Please Note:
Newcastle Perinatal Place is not a crisis service. If you are in urgent need of mental health care, please contact your GP or the Mental Health Information and Support Service (1800 011 511).
In a mental health emergency, please contact 000 or present to your local Emergency Department.